Call for Nominations for the 2017 Scandinavian Green Roof Prize

Scandinavian Green Roof Institute in Malmo announced a call for Nominations For the 2017 Scandinavian Green Roof Prize (Link to Prize) The Deadline is September 19. There are several criteria for award, the following information is from the website of Scandinavian green roof Institute (read more): Green roof projects from all Scandinavian countries are eligible forContinue reading “Call for Nominations for the 2017 Scandinavian Green Roof Prize”

Master thesis text and presentation

I had defense of master thesis at 29 of August 2016. Thank you to my supervisor Stefanie Reinhardt and my internal censor  Professor Arvid Odland and external censor Siri Lie Olsen. Link to the Master thesis: Link to the Presentation:

Mercury in drains, Oslo

While reading a report “Development of Pilestredet Park” about rebuilding of an area in Oslo, Norway, I noticed the line on page 15: “The hospital was inspected for mercury, and a total of 7.1 kg was found in drains and water traps“. It probably was between 2000 and 2005. The report did not say the exactContinue reading “Mercury in drains, Oslo”